According to our database, 196 routers use the IP address as their default gateway address. This means that if you need to access your router's configuration settings, you can do so by entering this IP address in a web browser on a device that is connected to the same network as the router. From there, you can configure various settings such as network security and wireless network settings.

Wireless Annex B Sweex
840 Tornado
MB-400XP W-linx
MB400-X2 W-linx
AR315W Airlink 101
BR-6104KL CompUSA
DN-11004 Digitus
DN-11004-N Digitus
DN-11004-O Digitus
DN7039-A Digitus
UGL2454 RTK Eusso
UIS1400-C7 Eusso
GN-AR01G Gigabyte
BB0060B Gnet
GBB2083 Gnet
RP-IP2014 Repotec
RP-IP2105 Repotec
RP-IP2401A Repotec
RP-IP2404 Repotec
RP-IP2404A Repotec
RP-IP3014 Repotec
SAMR-4110 Safecom
SAMR-4114 Safecom
SART2-4112 Safecom
SART2-4115 Safecom
SBRU-10100 Safecom
300N X4 Sitecom
300N-XR Sitecom
DC-200 Sitecom
DC-201 Sitecom
DC-202 Sitecom
DC-203 Sitecom
D3G0804W SMC
Annex A Sweex
Annex B Sweex
CC300011 Sweex
CC400020 Sweex
LB000010 Sweex
LB000020 Sweex
LB000021 Sweex
242 Tornado
2441 Tornado
54m Generic