According to our database, 283 routers use the IP address as their default gateway address. This means that if you need to access your router's configuration settings, you can do so by entering this IP address in a web browser on a device that is connected to the same network as the router. From there, you can configure various settings such as network security and wireless network settings.

RAX35 Netgear
RH340 Netgear
RM356 Netgear
RO318 Netgear
RP114 Netgear
RP614 Netgear
RP614v4 Netgear
RT311 Netgear
RT314 Netgear
RT388 Netgear
SPH200D Netgear
SRX5308 Netgear
SRXN3205 Netgear
SSL312 Netgear
Super Hub 2 Netgear
TA612V Netgear
UTM5 Netgear
V7610 Netgear
VEGN2610 Netgear
VersaLink-B90-75025-15 Netgear
Virgin-Media-Super-Hub-2 Netgear
VMDG280 Netgear
VMDG480 Netgear
VMDG485 Netgear
VMDG49 Netgear
VMDG490 Netgear
VVG2000 Netgear
WAG102 Netgear
WAG302 Netgear
WG102 Netgear
WG302 Netgear
WG302v2 Netgear